
Is there a cost?

It drives me around the bend. But it is a reasonable, rational question. What I am going on about?
I conducted over 200 Seminars in 2011, but before I was invited, the question of cost would be raised.
How do you answer such a question? In a straighforward manner with commercial rates, in a weak way
that says that you are just happy to serve, or some middle ground?

Wouldn’t a better question be what is the value of what you are offering rather than what is the cost?
Will it deliver more value than us keeping the money in the church bank account?

Or I could turn it around and say What is the cost of not doing this? How many people in your area won’t be invited
and subsequently miss out on a relationship with God as a result?

When we make money the determining factor as to whether we do anything are we not really saying
that we do not trust God to provide more? Is it not an indication that we lack faith in the provision of the one
who knows our every move

So is there a cost?

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