
Locusts and the Coffin Pre Christmas Tour of Australia and New Zealand

4th December
I write this from the town of Grafton at 0500 in the morning after
spending the last two hours working. Yes jetlag has still got a hold. I am
grateful that I have not fallen asleep during one of my Seminars. As I
look outside I see kangaroos grazing on the lawn and hear the sounds of an
Australian morning and I am reminded of the creativity of our wonderful
heavenly FATHER.

I have completed 4 Seminars and have two more to do in New South Wales
Australia before flying to New Zealand.

I wanted to report that the Seminars are having an even greater impact
than I have ever seen before. Over a hundred church leaders turned out in
the area of Newcastle and as we talked about the cast iron certainty that
our FATHER is at fact at work, I saw their own expectations rise. I expect
to hear of doubling congregations in Bathurst, Armidale and Newcastle

12th December
I am in Auckland airport awaiting a flight back to Australia for
the final leg of the Tour.

So far I have spoken to over 300 church leaders, battled locusts, been in
fear of snakes and had a coffin interrupt one of my Seminars.

God has been at work and whilst in New Zealand God has opened up
opportunites with the Elim movement, Methodists and Presbyterians which
will see more Chritians inviting more friends. I have heard stories of
congregations doubling from my last visit and battled the on-going
negativity of church leaders wanting to give up on ever persuading their
congregations to invite. But as I head to Sydney and North Queensland I go
with hope that the FATHER has prepared the way in advance.

I am writing this from Sydney Airport before spending 28 hours travelling
home. My final teaching Seminar was delivered in temperatures of 40c at a
place called Mount Isa. Mount Isa is a mining town. They mine lead, zinc
and a bit of gold, and it is one of the places in the world that is
keeping the world economy going. The miners are currently at depths of
2,000 kilometres below the surface. We all know this year the dangers of
mining, but I am reminded that God’s resources are limitless, there is a
variety to them, but sometimes we have to take a risk, step out of the
boat in order to plumb the depths of God’s love in order to find a deeper
relationship with Him

For those of you interested in statistics
I have been away 21 days
I have taken 19 flights
I have spent 24 hours in the car travelling 1300 miles
I have spoken to over 350 church leaders and through them will reach
20,000 Christians with a simple message of mission through invitation
I have heard from my last trip of doubling congregations and folk being
added to the church
I will have spent 73 hours in the air travelling 30,000 miles
I have seen kangaroos and their joeys, locusts and lizards,
And seen an impact wherever I have gone!

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